Six Priorities for When You Need Water Damage Restoration Services

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It's important to address water damage in your home promptly and properly to minimize negative consequences and keep your home in the best possible condition.

The following are six priorities to keep in mind when you need emergency water damage restoration services: 

1. Restore Safe Conditions

Many hazards can result from water damage. In the case of a flood, the first thing you should do is make sure that your home is safe. Start by turning off your electricity, but only if you can access the power switch safely, without stepping in any wet areas. If you can't access the switch safely, get a professional electrician to come and turn it off. If you can turn off the water causing the flooding, do so. But stay out of flooded areas if the electricity is still turned on.

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, turn off the gas, and then notify the gas company or the fire department. If you don't think you can do so safely, exit the house and call the police or fire department. If your electricity is still on, don't turn on the lights or do anything that can cause a spark. 

After resolving the major dangers, you can also do tasks like securing heavy items that are at risk of falling or moving possessions away from the areas where the water is coming in. 

If you aren't confident that you can make your home safe on your own, call a professional immediately. They can walk you through the process, or even send someone to secure the house for you. If no professional services are available, consult your local fire or police department.

2. Hire Professionals

When your home is at risk of water damage, you should contact a professional water damage restoration company. Water damage is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by skilled professionals. Not all consequences of water damage are easily seen or easily diagnosed. Missing structural damage, mold, or other problems can be dangerous and have serious consequences. A professional water damage restoration service can inspect your home and determine what repairs are needed.  

3. Dry Out Wet Areas

You need to dry out rooms as quickly as possible to minimize water damage and potential mold growth. This means removing standing water with a sump pump if needed or with a suitable vacuum if the flooding is minor. You can also mop up wet areas, use towels or fans on wet carpeting, and air out rooms to promote fast drying. 

4. Disinfecting to prevent mold growth

Another huge priority should be preventing mold growth. While thoroughly drying wet areas in your home will help discourage mold growth, you can also thoroughly disinfect areas of your home that have experienced water damage after they have been dried out. Make sure you use a product designed to kill mold spores. 

5. Find Alternative Housing if Needed

A severely water-damaged home may be unsafe to live in until water damage restoration services are performed. This means that you may need to look for alternative housing to keep your family safe and healthy. 

You should discuss whether it is safe to remain in your home with your water damage restoration service. If they recommend that you find alternative housing, your temporary housing costs may be covered by your insurance if your coverage applies for the incident in question. 

6. Check Your Insurance Coverage

You may be able to have the costs of water damage restoration services covered by your homeowner's insurance. When you've resolved the more urgent issues, you should review the details of your homeowner's insurance policy.

Check to see if the damages from the type of event that occurred are covered under the terms of your policy. Water damage restoration can be expensive, so taking advantage of insurance coverage is essential to minimize the financial impact. 
